Private Home Coaching Program

$49.00 / week

This EXCLUSIVE online mental health program is designed to assist you with remove blockages that restrict you from

This program is designed to support you in the ways you need, for as long as you need it.

Each week we will receive a new session in the same order as the highly successful 1 on 1 Interactive Sessions.

PLUS a recording of your Negative Energy and Total recharge sessions will be sent for you to use as tools for the rest of your life.

These sessions are designed to help guide you through your journey in a structured and organised sequence to help you get the most out of the program. The topics are spread out over an 8 weeks period to help you work on each topic and get the most out of the content. See more details about the sessions below.

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This EXCLUSIVE online mental health program is designed to assist you with remove blockages that restrict you from

This program is designed to support you in the ways you need, for as long as you need it.

Each week you will receive a new Unconscious Coaching session that are in order of growth and ability to uncover and eliminate negative emotions attached to past events.

This Private Online Home Program is based off the 1 on 1 sessions that are offered through How’s Your Head Space which are receiving amazing results all over the world.

The reason this Private Online Home program has been designed, is so the same new revolutionary modalities can be offered to so many more people that would normally not be able to afford the 1 on 1 sessions.

See, with every 1 person we assist with their mental health, we receive over 20 enquiries from people who simply do not have the funds for the 5 week personalised sessions so here we are, offering these revolutionary mental health modalities so more people, like you, can benefit at this 85% discounted rate.

What is the program about?

Our past has a lot to do with what restricts us in our present life and our future.

The emotions our Unconscious Mind attached to events from the day we were conceived, then born and throughout the remainder of our lives are now restricting us from enjoying life at the level we deserve.

Utilising Mental Health Hypnotherapy, Energy Releasing, Re-charging, Re-uniting, Re-aligning, Re-coding and Re-igniting techniques that will smash our self-limiting beliefs – You will be able to control or eliminate restrictions impacting you like…

Overthinking, Self-Doubt, Self-Worth, Self-Love, Self-Sabotage, Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, Toxic Relationships, Eating Disorders.

Session topics include:

  • WEEK 1 – Understanding your bigger picture + Negative thought release techniques
  • WEEK 2 – Re-unite with your higher self + Symbolic alignment (blue mist)
  • WEEK 3 – Identity alignment programming + 3 chair methodology
  • WEEK 4 – Identity alignment practical + Theta state visualisation
  • WEEK 5 – Final closure + 2 futures hypnotic sessions
  • WEEK 6 – Pain, sickness and illness release + Negative energy and thought release
  • WEEK 7 – Re code 2 point + Re code muscle messages
  • WEEK 8 – Astral travel + Live Q’s on timeline regression hypnotherapy

Program benefits

  1. YOUR PRIVACY – Once you have registered with our Admin, You will receive a new session each week that you can watch as many times as you like, all in the privacy of your own home
  2. Every week we will be peeling off different layers that are restricting you and EVERY SESSION has been designed to follow the other as You grow
  3. You will be consistently supported inbetween each session as yuo grow to overcome daily challenges through the week
  4. You will be able to also include tailor made 1 on 1 sessions in between this program if you really want “Your specific circumstances to be targeted” for your personal growth

Not sure if the mental health recharge program is right for you? Contact Greg